The ouster of incumbent President Joe Biden from the Democratic Party ticket by the party’s overlords — the Obamas, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and others — may not have seemed kind, but power is power. Winning is winning. And what must be done, must be done. There is no honor among thieves. Grateful Dead fans know well the final lyric in the classic song “Me and My Uncle”: “And I left his dead (rear) there by the side of the road.” Such is the fate of the poor Mr. Biden.
And it’s worse for his family. Recently, The Babylon Bee had a hilarious headline showing Hunter Biden holding a fire sale for his paintings, marked down from $500,000 to $25 each.
Notwithstanding the evident, inhumane cruelty the Democrats have dealt to the Bidens on the human level, as a piece of political enterprise the move to replace him with Kamala Harris as the party’s 2024 presidential candidate will have to go down as a great piece of Machiavellian mastery.