Folly and falsehood of CRT exposed by liberal historian
Posted onThe claim that ancient and medieval history in not about dead white men. That is just a modern racist fantasy imposed upon the past.”
The claim that ancient and medieval history in not about dead white men. That is just a modern racist fantasy imposed upon the past.”
If society’s main information sources march in ideological lockstep, they make a mockery of democracy.
After Lebsak began attending the union’s conferences in 2015, Lebsack says, she was alarmed to see that many of the topics weren’t academic but instead focused on social justice, human rights, and LGBTQ issues.
If K-12 education is to include moral education, it must allow students to question or dissent from the moral education it provides without fear of punishment. Otherwise, it is indoctrination and thought reform, not education.
Parents Defending Education is a national grassroots organization working to reclaim our schools from activists imposing harmful agendas.
By Peter C. Myers From City Journal Summer 2019 The cover of the textbook used as part of the BLM curriculum, which seeks to make “classrooms and schools sites of resistance to white supremacy and anti-blackness.” (Courtesy of the Publisher, Rethinking Schools). Black Lives Matter, though less prominent in the headlines of late, continues to […]
By Marina Medvin From Townhall December 30, 2019 Media credit: AP Photo/Jimmy Golen The concept of tacit liberal influence is in the distant past. Today, liberalism is at the forefront. Liberalism is the curriculum. Grade schools throughout the country are rewriting their history curriculums based on today’s leftist politics. Some Illinois, New York and New […]