Idolatry, Technology and a Better World

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The Jewish and Christian scripture warning against idolatry insists that allowing yourself to be controlled and governed by anything less than an infinitely compassionate and loving Creator is a mistake.

The warning is given to protect us from voluntarily opting to live enslaved.

Totalitarianism by Labeling Information

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There are two terms that have become commonplace, that to me are two of as dangerous as any that now infect our language. These are the terms misinformation and disinformation.They are pervasive. They flood our lives every day, and are taken for granted as meaningful, and part of our common concern. They are neither meaningful, nor should they be part of our common concern. They are thin shields for lawless totalitarianism and the smiling face above the jackboot crushing our first amendment and most important God-given rights.

Podcast on Juneteenth, 2023

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On June 19th, 1865, Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas (the last place of resistance to Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation) and announced the end of the Civil War and slavery in the United States. On that day about 250,000 enslaved African Americans in Texas were freed.

AI and the Singularity by Frank Kaufmann

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Ai vs human

AI seemed to burst into our lives suddenly. One day it seemed not to exist at all, and the following day it seemed to exist everywhere, in countless inscrutable forms, brands and promises. It instantly seemed to erupt a class of people as immersed in AI as fully as the rest of us count on our eyes to see. There’s the Chatbot app itself, the people, the companies, and as suddenly a billowing industry of experts, programs, seminars, and teachers and trainers. In classic fashion, consumers dive in blindly, anything and everything for convenience, shortcuts, and entertainment. 

Washington is Recalibrating its Asia Strategy

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The Settlement Project concerns itself with the domestic health and well-being of America not purely out of proper gratitude and love of the country, but also because America strives to realize a visionary ideal for social and political life for all people.

The Folly of “Fact Checking” and Dangerous Companies like NewsGuard

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As integrated enemies of America work to destroy the Constitution and the God given rights of citizens, people (such as clergy) look for sources to awaken and educate our members. Some align with anonymous groups. The podcast beseeches the lister (especially clergy) to beware. Enemies of America coopt anonymous groups to plant false flags and then move to close down churches and synagogues

How the Chinese Communist Party Influences Corporate News Giants

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Original article from The Stream, January 5, 2021   The Post, the New York Times, CNN, NBCUniversal and many other large media corporations forged business relationships with Chinese companies. Those companies are affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Meanwhile, major outlets participate in a cultural-exchange program funded by that party. As a result, those outlets mold opinion to fit their […]

Media Bias: TV Networks Blast Trump with 96% Negative News

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By Rich Noyes From Media Research Center Newsbusters November 12, 2019 Photo credit: The Globe and Mail Since the beginning of the impeachment inquiry on September 24, the coverage has somehow become even more hostile than before. As Newsbusters explains, “out of 684 evaluative comments included in these broadcasts, a whopping 96 percent have been negative, […]