Whatever Happened to Right and Wrong?

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Explore Dr. Frank Kaufmann’s meditates on the intricate relationship between justice and peace, with a focus on the Middle East conflict and the recent October 7 attack on Israel. Discover why addressing issues of right and wrong is crucial for true peace advocacy and conflict resolution

The Path to Violence, and the Responsibility of the Citizen.

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There are now two active, world-level wars cursing our planet, the Russia-Ukraine War, and the Israel-Hamas War. These are happening during a period in which the perennial symbol for the harmonization of international differences, the United States of America has sunk into unimaginable internal strife in which the US government is holding political prisoners, and efforts are being made to imprison opposition party political candidates. Imprisoning political opposition is the characteristic of primitive, unstable dictatorships.

Seeking Peace in Israel and Palestine: An Interview with Professor Alon Ben Meir

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As integrated enemies of America work to destroy the Constitution and the God given rights of citizens, people (such as clergy) look for sources to awaken and educate our members. Some align with anonymous groups. The podcast beseeches the lister (especially clergy) to beware. Enemies of America coopt anonymous groups to plant false flags and then move to close down churches and synagogues