AI and the Singularity by Frank Kaufmann

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Ai vs human

AI seemed to burst into our lives suddenly. One day it seemed not to exist at all, and the following day it seemed to exist everywhere, in countless inscrutable forms, brands and promises. It instantly seemed to erupt a class of people as immersed in AI as fully as the rest of us count on our eyes to see. There’s the Chatbot app itself, the people, the companies, and as suddenly a billowing industry of experts, programs, seminars, and teachers and trainers. In classic fashion, consumers dive in blindly, anything and everything for convenience, shortcuts, and entertainment. 

Don’t Look Directly At The Balloon

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Were my fellow Montanans planning to take up arms against this violator of our airspace? Weren’t we famously cranky and given to self-defense? And what about Montana’s Malmstrom Air Force Base, which, according to the Pentagon, maintains some 150 intercontinental ballistic missile silos?