Mao’s America: A Survivor’s Warning

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Xi Van Fleet, a friend of the Settlement Project, has recently released a compelling cautionary tale. Xi’s latest book, Mao’s America: A Survivor’s Warning, recounts her personal experiences of living through the horrors of Mao’s Cultural Revolution, and warns the reader that history is repeating itself in today’s America.

Settlement Project Speech at UPF Seminar: Toxic Polarization in America: What’s To Be Done?

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This particular gathering focuses on media, perhaps as in part responsible for our current shameful ugliness, as well as on ways media might contribute toward needed healing. My first premise is that our world is full of  noble, courageous, journalists ready to give their lives to honor truth-telling for the sake of a better world. Although I admire honorable journalists and am grateful for the indispensable service they offer, I myself try to avoid them and have as little to do with them as possible. 

The Path to Violence, and the Responsibility of the Citizen.

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There are now two active, world-level wars cursing our planet, the Russia-Ukraine War, and the Israel-Hamas War. These are happening during a period in which the perennial symbol for the harmonization of international differences, the United States of America has sunk into unimaginable internal strife in which the US government is holding political prisoners, and efforts are being made to imprison opposition party political candidates. Imprisoning political opposition is the characteristic of primitive, unstable dictatorships.

On Addiction by Frank Kaufmann

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The problem with addictions is that they eventually erase the adequate functioning of conscience in the host bodies they inhabit and ultimately control.

A clear marker in this descent to becoming subhuman is the juncture at which the sanctity of human life is rejected in favor of satiating the blinding demands of an addiction.