The dark aggression in “Woke Capitalism”
Posted onJust as nonwoke individuals are cancelled from civic life, so too are nonwoke companies cancelled from the economy, leaving the spoils to the woke
Just as nonwoke individuals are cancelled from civic life, so too are nonwoke companies cancelled from the economy, leaving the spoils to the woke
America and free democracies around the world are under severe and imminent threat
Cancel culture’s impact is best measured not by grand explosions of controversy, but by what remains unseen and unsaid.
Unfortunately for Kendi, racial egalitarianism is vulnerable to them as well. By looking at the traditional objections to egalitarianism, we can understand the problems with Kendi’s vision of “anti-racism.”
As integrated enemies of America work to destroy the Constitution and the God given rights of citizens, people (such as clergy) look for sources to awaken and educate our members. Some align with anonymous groups. The podcast beseeches the lister (especially clergy) to beware. Enemies of America coopt anonymous groups to plant false flags and then move to close down churches and synagogues
National Security Agency (NSA) not only was monitoring the electronic communications of Fox News host Tucker Carlson. Either NSA or senior Biden officials leaked information from his communications to the news media
Howard Ross, who led the training at the Treasury Department, has “billed the federal government more than $5 million for diversity training over the past 15 years,”
These theories basically divide society into two groups: oppressor and oppressed. If you are white, straight, male, and/or wealthy, you are an oppressor. If you are a racial minority, gay or trans, a woman or identify as some other gender, and financially not wealthy, you are oppressed. The objective of critical theory is to defeat oppressors and overturn the system that benefits them.
Academic freedom means subjecting ideas to fearless criticism; only then can mere assertion be distinguished from tested knowledge.
This research concentrates on the increasing dominance of the Critical Social Justice (CSJ) perspective in our universities.