News & Analysis


New York City Mayor Signs Law Allowing Non-Citizens to Vote

National Review article  New York City Mayor Eric Adams enacted a measure Sunday that will allow more than 800,000 non-citizens in the city to vote in municipal elections.has just announced that they are in the process of hiring 100 professors!  ...

American Scholars Hiring 100 Professors

American Scholars has just announced that they are in the process of hiring 100 professors!  We are adding a new division to our platform that can bring pro-American education into millions of homes: live seminars and 1:1 quiz-based lessons.  We ...

The Unseen Side of “Cancel Culture”

The threat to free expression goes well beyond high-profile cancellations. Read Ted Balaker’s article in Persuasion here Ted Balaker explains the deep erosion of American values and culture perpetrated by Cancel Enforcers and their armies of “useful idiots.” What in his earlier ...

The REAL foreign influence in America, finally addressed honestly

For close to six years, Americans have been burdened with provenly false accusations about foreign influence in American politics. President Trump was hobbled by a sinister scheme to cripple his administration and illegally and criminally remove him from power in ...

Why Ibrahim X Kendi is Plain Wrong – Harvard or Not

Kendi’s ideas were wrong long before he even was born. That’s not a crime. Kendi’s “anti-racist” agenda is a version of racial egalitarianism; justice is all about racial equality (or more insidiously now bloated out to be a call for “equity.”). It’s Kendi’s good ...

Our Love and Thanks to Those Who Risk Their Lives to Keep Us Free

The Settlement Project offers our heart and gratitude for the men and women in uniform on this Veterans Day, November 11, 2021 ...

Urgent Action to Rescue Afghanis from Taliban Genocide

On November 5, Dr. Frank Kaufmann conducted an important interview with former US Congressman Mark Siljander about the latter’s urgent efforts to rescue vulnerable Afghanis from terror and extermination under Taliban rule. Mark Siljander spent over three decades in Washington, ...

11 of the 12 Senators on the Senate Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Data Security Receive Google Money

The Senate Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Data Security held a hearing on Tuesday, October 26 (where it questioned executives from YouTube, Snapchat, and TikTok about the negative impact of their platforms on minors). Full article here Alphabet, which owns ...

The Intercept Exposes Facebook’s Enemies List

Mark Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla Chan On October 12, 2021 The Intercept published Sam Biddle’s extensive (4000 word) article, “REVEALED: FACEBOOK’S SECRET BLACKLIST OF “DANGEROUS INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANIZATIONS. The piece leads with, Restrictions appear to trace back to 2012, when ...

On Critical Race Theory: A.G. Merrick Garland Tells FBI To Investigate Parents

A.G. Merrick Garland Tells FBI To Investigate Parents Who Yell at School Officials About Critical Race Theory. School boards want some perturbed parents branded domestic terrorists. In an historically unprecedented act, Attorney General Garland treads into chilling treachery against parents who ...